Through this blog I’d like to show people that you can survive and prosper in this world by creating work that is unique, individual yet still commercial.
Through sharing our experiences, our story and what we have learned over the years, we are hoping to inspire others and start a discussion about what is creativity, how is it considered nowadays, and how people can be creative. We are trapped in the “Age of Austerity” without any respite; I’m sure I am not alone in getting distraught about where the world is going in terms funding for creative industries; how it always gets cut, and how young people are discouraged to pursue their careers in arts. It’s the hardest thing to take yourself and your creativity to make your mark on the world.
There will always be different definitions of what constitutes and defines artwork of any importance. Similarly, there are various opinions as to what defines whether you are viewed as a craft worker, artist, designer, product designer, interior designer or designer-maker.
To summarise my view on the case, we are all of these things at some point. There are many people who want to create and don’t know yet what and how. I want to show them that anything is possible in terms of taking your ideas, your passions, and finding a vehicle to drive them. In my case it was the art of glassmaking, but it can be different things to different people.
Many people have a dream, and many do not know what it is they want, they just know the type of thing they want to pursue – it was the same for me. I had to find out what my dream was, and I think that’s how a lot of people are; not knowing what they want, confused and bewildered by their options. I’d like to show by my own story how I went from not knowing what I wanted to achieve something that I really enjoy and that has occupied me for all my adult life.
I hope this blog will serve as an inspiration to provoke some thoughts on that topic.
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